[AI] Christie

Read the requirements section



Drop the contents of the 7z into your AI Shoujo install folder.

Additionally, if you want to change her tint colors or gloss, read the attached readme.

Just don’t try to do it in the character maker as it will screw up her face.


Load any of the included cards wherever you want.


Delete her cards.

Then remove this file:

  • mods/[roy12]Christie.zipmod

Delete any overlays related to her.


  • 1.1: Replaced requirement for OverlayMod and MaterialEditor by essu’s HeadBundleRedirector
  • Initial version.




Additional Comments:

Finally, my second favorite DoA in the ruined island.

There’s 2 cards, since her hair allowed for a nice bit of customization, use whichever you want.

Make sure you have all the requirements mentioned, otherwise you will run into issues.

Have fun!

The other mods used in the cards are the only layout mod for the body in Illusion Soft by toshiaki and DuDu’s lust tattoo (named tatoo by a typo). The rest is vanilla outfits.