Well shit.
Today my GTX 560 finally kicked the bucket.
I won’t be able to make more mods unless I get a new one, hell, HoneySelect doesn’t even start with the integrated Intel HD3000 ok, it runs but horribly slow. If anyone has an old, still functional but unused (stored?) GPU of the same caliber, I’m willing to buy it…
Either that, or get enough donations to buy a new one and also pay for the shipment. Nationalization of imports over $100 is ridiculously expensive here.
Man, what a crappy day.
Ended up buying an used GTX770 for $99 from a reputable seller in ebay. I hope it works fine.
For now, I’ll be using a very old HD4870 (from when ATI was still a thing) I had from my previous computer. Hoping it doesn’t crap out too fast.
Thanks anyways guys, still if you can donate for the server costs, I’d be very thankful. I’ll also think about opening a Patreon, but I don’t know how that works.
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