This is necessary only if you're interested in modifying her tint colors or gloss, if you're not then you can ignore this, but don't try to change them ingame as it won't work. To change the tint colors and gloss, I've included a pair of PSDs where you can do the changes you want. The content of christie_overlay is to use with OverlayMods. Change whatever you want there, but always remember to save with an alpha mask. An easy way to do it is to open the PSD with DDSView ( and saving as PNG. Then load that PNG as an Overlay (not an underlay!). The content of christie_maindetail is to use with MaterialEditor. How opaque the blue mask is determines how glossy that surface will be. If you want it to also be metallic, you'll need to add red onto the mix. Again, as with the previous texture, I recommend saving as PNG with DDSView. Then you load that PNG with MaterialEditor onto the face material's DetailMainTex slot.